Thwà-me-naw Myanmar (SEA 46)

From Yangon to the Golden Rock (SEA 45)

I´m laying in my bed in Hpa-An. Here we found the first hostel in Myanmar. I am listening to the Buddhist prayer who is praying during some loudspeakers that everyone here can hear it. It is 3 am (again) but I am smiling.

A Pickup taxi has brought us here together with some locals. Hpa-An is a small city in the south east of Myanmar. From here we are able to get to the border to Thailand. Normally we planned to stay here for two nights but we have to take a car to the border tomorrow. There is one old, bumpy and dusty road to Thailand where you have to cross a big mountain. And you are able to get there every second day. One day the people are allowed to get here and one day they are allowed to go there. So we have to go tomorrow and we have to say Thwà-me-naw (goodbye) Myanmar!

Within 18 days I felt in love with this country and the people living here. There are so many good memories I will carry out of the country that I can fill a book with them. I saw so many smiling faces here that was really impressive. I will miss this country but we are looking forward for our second stay in Thailand. This time we will go to Sukhothai.

Next post: Let´s go: Second time in Thailand (SEA 47)

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